
Friday, June 10, 2011

This years Post: Indonesia

I should start by apologizing to all my avid followers. There are seven of you, but we will round it up to eight. I’m sure you have all been checking daily for updates, but this past year has been a roller coaster... well ok not at all, I just haven’t been photo taking or blogging, with no excuse for either. And now I sit in the shade in the garden in the court yard in my hotel in Surabaya in Indonesia, with the a plate of some of the most tasty French toast and fresh mango sitting being delivered to my side, and I says to myself, I says, I bet there are eight (maybe only seven) people that I could make jealous of my current situation.

Or maybe I just thought that the blog would be a good place to share pictures of my trip with family back home, and for some reason when writing on this page I start to ramble and lie. But hey this is my hot blogy and I do what I want with it (southparkrefernce)

So here the deal, it’s June 7th, I have been in Indonesia for a little over 2 weeks now. Annually VIU offers students in a select few disciplines to complete their practicums Indonesia. Becky, who was in her second year of early child education and eligible for the program jumped at the opportunity, and with absolutely nothing on my plate, I had no excuse when she asked if I wanted to join her in continuing travels in Indo. when she was done with her practicum. Yadda yadda yadda, today is Becky’s last day of practicum here in Surabaya and later today we will be in Bali to relax on the beaches and enjoy the over populated, over touristy, over commercialized Koota beach.

Let’s take a quick step back, to about the third yadda. All the pictures below are from that period. The last two and half weeks have been lots of fun. We visited Yogyakarta one weekend, along with the Prambanan temple. Touring a Russian submarine and the huge Surabaya zoo and seeing Becky pull her friend Sam out of a hippos mouth where a couple of the highlights. I also had the pleasure of experiencing what the girls have to deal with most days. Joining the group in a little Canada Festival at one of the childcare centers, was a night that made appreciate every moment that I do not have to be in a room filled with children.

almost forgot one of the shitty thing that happend. After about five days in Surabaya I was on a bus that was leaving for Bali when I realized my wallet and phone and both vanished. Turns out they were taken by a vendor who was selling fruit on the bus, but with no proof and no money there was no choice but to make my way back to the guest house where I knew Becky would be happy to open her wallet. Pver all very little was actully lost, mainly time on the beach and beers in my belly.

One  final thing, if you are looking at the photos and wondering why most are all super wide angle and distorted, it is becuase a day or two before starting the trip I dropped my 50mm, leaving me with 10-17mm and 70-200mm. Kinda lacking in the mid range, o well. live and learn. camera gear is fragile and valuables dont belong on your lap.

River front houses in Yogyakarta

Turn the red one.
Onboard the out of service Russian submarine that was comissioned to the Indonesian navy in 1952

The first day at this hostel the ants where enjoying the shower, the second it was the rim of the toilet. Guess who had to take get rid of them when someone else had to go pee.
Turns out we are famous. When at tourist atteraction in indonesia dont be surpirsed if the locals would prefer to have a picture with your over the monuments. Or in this case have you autograph thier T-shirt.
Indo flora.

A couple and thier daughter...

with little room in the building, Becky and her group found room on the street.
Taking a breather from the jam packed market in Yogyakarta


  1. Wow , what great images to capture great experiences .... and lessons in life !

  2. Indonesia! Nice, where are you going for next years post?
