
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dussault Fashion Show

 Saturday the 10th was my first day of practicum. I lucked out by being invited to shoot the Dussault fashion show with Paul. These are are few of the images from that night. this being the first fashion show iv been to let alone shoot at, there was alot to learn. turns out they are very dark events. even though at 1600 iso on an XSI is usless, it is less uless then blury run way models.

Glam Or Somthing

I'm a week into  my practicum, and am learning lots.  here are some photos from this week, with access to real models im finding it alot easier to good looking photos. Weather its a fashion show, langerie on commercial street or gothic looks on east hastings, its been week full of new experiences.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Here's a series of photos that I just completed for a "creative" class. The project itself was entitled "self directed", allowing us students to go any which was we wanted, as long as at least one photo was involved. my original involved some deep feelings, lots and lots of pre and post work, along with a little carpentry and electrical work. so when I found myself with two days before I need to get the photo to the print shop, and lots more Easter eating to do as well I trashed the whole thing. Because it is a self directed project I decided to something that I myself enjoy. freezing action, close-up. the series is not as it appears. to create it I set up a drip above a single stationary pencil, focused, and sat watching drops fall trying to get my shutter finger in sync with the moment the drop hits the eraser. Ya it's as fun as it sounds. then with all these photos I figured I may as well put a series of them together, then thought it would be a little more interesting with something else in the frame. so a few other writing utensils were added and used as a background to put the drops on. without photoshop a far far more complicated setup would have been necessary or there would be drop all over the pens and pencils that would move around frame to frame. so that it.